
Good reasons to grow organic vegetables at home.

The dream of being totally self sufficient and living off the fat of the land is unrealistic at best but we can at least cultivate some of our own fruit and vegetables. How much you can grow is dependent upon how big your garden is but with some imagination, you can get very generous results. In earlier times, everyone was more dependent on being in position to grow their own produce. In our world today, though, people can visit any superstore and buy just about any produce whether it is in season or not. Nevertheless, more people are beginning to return to some of these traditional values and we will now look at the advantages of growing your own fruit and vegetables.The first advantage of growing your own produce is money savings particularly because the world economy is in flux. As individuals, we don't really have any control over the overall economy but we are at the mercy of the effects, like higher food prices. However, as vegetables and fruit are rather easy to grow for yourself, it is possible to really start to make a difference to your family budget with a little effort at the outset. You will be happy in knowing that you are eating crops you made yourself and the cost of making it was minimal.Lately there is a growing market for organic food and you will often see many different types of organically produced items in the shops. We have witnessed many studies conducted that show the benefits of organic food in terms of our health and general well being. Perhaps the biggest issue with organically grown food is the high prices which can be a concern if you are on a tight budget. On top of that, you may at times question if the standards necessary to qualify a food as organic are high enough. These issues could be dealt with by just growing your own crops since you have complete control of the entire process.As we become more health conscious, we are becoming more conscious with regards to what we eat and how safe the food is. We need to be sure that the food we eat has all the essential nourishment we need to lead healthy lives. The majority of us check to see the use by date to determine freshness but it doesn't determine if it is still nutritious. We have to know precisely how long before the groceries were packaged before it got to store shelves. Furthermore, many produce are gathered way before they are ready to make sure they arrive at the store looking fresh but lacking all the nutrients. If you have your own garden, you can pick your produce when they are at their optimum freshness with all the essential nutrients intact.Besides the personal savings and the health advantages, you will also have a great time  doing it, so go ahead  and make your own organic  garden  today.

For more information click here


Advantages of Organic Gardening

There are many advantages for maintaining an organic garden having fresh vegetables and fruit to eat is just some of the advantages. Staying away from harsh or toxic chemical helps stay healthy. The first thing to start is a compost pile, this material will be black gold in the very near future. While the compost is breaking down, add natural nutrients to your organic garden. The healthier the soil in your garden the healthier crops you will harvest. Feed the soil and the soil will continue to feed you and your family for a lifetime.


Last glimpses of summer. Hibiscus

 End of summer brings a lot of color to my backyard organic garden. Bright reds and soft pinks give it a blast of color to say goodbye to summer and hello to the fall planting season.

This time of year my garden is filled with the large and colorful Hibiscus. Some of them measure a foot across. Paper plate Hibiscus really earn their name, being as big and as round as paper plates.

Keeping an organic garden is not as hard as you may think, there are sound techniques to grow healthy plants without all the harsh chemicals that may be harmful to our health. If you want to learn more about organic gardening check Organic Gardening Now


The Surprise Butterfly

A was quite surprised by the appearance of this  butterfly (or moth). This being the first time that I have ever seen this bug. Hopefully I can get some help identifying.Fuzzy body and nearly 3 inches across the wings. Took a good video of the little flyer and took a few pictures, but have had no luck figuring out what it is.
Flew into my garden and has not been seen since that day.



Just a quick post. A number of my bonsai growing on the shelf.  Lots going on in the backyard garden with wiring of some of the trees and leaf pruning of others. June and July are the months that I take off the leave of most of my deciduous trees, a process that increases the overall number of leaves and reduces their size. After a few years of the annual step your tree will have a much better scale, it will look like a really big 'little tree'.

Where does the time go... a glimpse at bonsai...

Now as the days are getting longer and  longer I have found some time to be in the garden and work on some of my many bonsai trees. Not that I am lacking in material to show you and work on, it is the time to get it on the blog. So here is a little tease of some of what is coming up.

Step by step I have been documenting and photographing the little trees' progress through their training. Here are some random pictures of some of the bonsai tree collection.Hopefully my work will inspire some new bonsai enthusiasts.